• 2015 OSI Grants and Donors

    2015 Grants and Donors

    Our beloved Baltimore is a vital American city with a grand history and a wonderfully diverse population. But it faces tremendous challenges. The Baltimore uprising that began in April 2015 brought many of the city’s deeply rooted problems to the surface and created a unique opportunity to address them and bring meaningful, lasting change. We believe in a renewed Baltimore, where opportunity is abundant and all […]

  • Building a New Movement: Audacious Ideas, Fall 2015

    In the latest edition of our newsletter, we talk about the Baltimore Justice Fund and the first round of grantees, Diana Morris writes about listening to the voices of the uprising, and we declare victory with the enactment of new legislation that will prevent most minors from being sent to adult jails. We also talk about the […]

  • Audacious Thinking: Summer 2015

    In this issue, Tara Huffman writes about reimagining jail in Baltimore city and Diana Morris writes about OSI-Baltimore’s renewed commitment to improving justice and equality after the death of Freddie Gray.

  • 2014 Grants and Donors

    2014 Grants and Donors

    We can see it. We have a vision of Baltimore where every child can be healthy and prosperous. We see a city where no one lives in poverty or is held back because of racial discrimination. We see Baltimore as a beautiful city where opportunity is abundant and we can all thrive. We can make […]

  • Audacious Thinking: Fall 2014

    This issue highlights the Open Places Initiative, a new place-based program building on OSI-Baltimore’s example. Scott Nolen writes about the rise of heroin use and we interviewed William Baker and Mary Louise Preis.

  • Audacious Thinking: Spring 2014

    This issue features the Unger v. State decision, Diana Morris writes about the levers of change, Jane Sundius writes about school discipline reform, and we cover two alumni fellows who are working to make their organizations sustainable.

  • 2013 OSI Grants and Donors

    2013 Grants and Donors List

    We know it can happen. We see progress every day. We use a broad set of tools—grantmaking, education, advocacy, technical assistance, and investment—to take promising solutions to scale. See our 2013 highlights, grants, and donors.

  • Then & Now: drug addiction treatment

    One of the Open Society Institute-Baltimore’s first priorities when we opened our doors in 1998 was to make certain that anyone who needed drug addiction treatment was able to get it—whether or not they had health insurance.

  • Obstacles to justice

    Leslie Vass spent 10 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. The story he tells about how the police, the courts and entire criminal justice system failed him is alarming.

  • Lesson learned: key to more high school graduates may be fewer suspensions

    We know from experience—and research—that using suspension as a primary discipline tool is a recipe for school failure. When children are suspended, they are not in school learning, they are not being coached to adopt new and better ways of responding to conflict, and they are not being required to make amends for their misdeeds.