The Baltimore Equitable Vaccination Initiative (BEVI) is a collaboration between the Rockefeller Foundation and Baltimore-based stakeholders, anchored by OSI-Baltimore, to ensure equitable distribution of vaccines in Baltimore City. The four areas of engagement in Baltimore were vaccine delivery, community engagement, communications, and advocacy. The initial round of Rockefeller funding went to partners looking to engage the general Baltimore population.
Act Now
$125,000 over six months to coordinate and support multiple churches to increase Baltimore City COVID-19 and flu vaccination rates and build community trust for vaccination through support of strategically selected pop-up sites sponsored by the faith community.
Baltimore Corps
$275,000 over six months to provide COVID-19 health information to people in specific West Baltimore communities and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Baltimore Safe Haven
$40,000 over six months to provide COVID-19 health information to street-based sex workers and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute
$30,000 over six months to provide COVID-19 health information to people leaving the city jail and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
$60,000 over six months to provide COVID-19 health information to the Latinx community and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Center for Urban Families
$40,000 over six months to provide health information to people in West Baltimore communities and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Charm City Care Connection*
$90,000 over one year to provide COVID-19 health information to people who use drugs and those experiencing homelessness and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations while providing harm reduction services that reduce overdose risk.
Civic Works**
$100,000 over six months to support individuals and small organizations to provide health information to Baltimore residents and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Clergy United for the Transformation of Sandtown
$40,000 over six months to provide COVID-19 health information to people in specific West Baltimore communities and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Franciscan Center
$50,000 over six months to provide COVID-19 health information to people in Baltimore City experiencing homelessness or housing instability and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Older Women Embracing Life
$30,000 over nine months to community engagement activities for COVID-19 vaccine uptake work with marginalized, underserved, invisible and hard to reach senior citizens.
Sex Workers Promoting Action, Risk Reduction, and Community Mobilization (SPARC)
$70,000 over six months to enable SPARC to provide COVID-19 health information to people in Baltimore City and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Sisters Together and Reaching
$30,000 over six months to provide COVID-19 health information and assist in removing barriers to access to COVID-19 vaccinations to Baltimore City residents in five zip codes in Middle/East End.
*Includes $50,000 of one-time support from Open Society Foundations’ Public Health Program
**Support provided from OSI-Addiction and Health Equity Program