On Thursday, OSI’s Karen Webber and Emily Faxon joined OSI grantees, including staff of the Positive Schools Center and Advocates for Children and Youth, and representatives from schools districts throughout the state at the University of Maryland Carey School of Law’s Center for Dispute Resolution’s Maryland School Restorative Approaches Roundtable.
At the event, OSI and grantees shared information and resources about restorative approaches to positive school climate and discipline as school districts around the state prepare to implement restorative practices.
Shamoiya Gardiner, director of education for OSI grantee Advocates for Children and Youth, discussed restorative practices legislation that passed this year (above left), OSI’s Emily Faxon facilitated group discussions (above center), and City Schools Police Chief Akil Hamm discusses the positive impact that OSI-supported restorative practices training had on his officers.