Check out the great blog post and pictures on Wide Angle Youth Media’s website offering a behind-the-scenes look at the work of the group’s Design Team, a cohort of young people who designed, printed, and distributed beautiful, impactful signs for the ACLU of Maryland’s recent March For Our Schools in Annapolis. OSI provided funding for the Design Team’s work.
“[The posters] showed that the adults in Maryland aren’t the only people who care about the education of children across the state,” wrote Aiana Manning, a student at Western High School and member of the Design Team. “The children themselves want a say in how the funding for the places that make up almost their entire lives is spent and used. If there is anything taken away from this project, I want it to be that it isn’t just about AC, or heat, or books. It’s about the quality of the education that’s being given to the people that will determine the future of our world.”
Wide Angle Youth Media, which cultivates and amplifies the voices of Baltimore youth to engage audiences across generational, cultural, and social divides, was founded by 2001 OSI Community Fellow Gin Ferrara and is a current grantee and frequent collaborator with OSI.