On Tuesday, the Baltimore Museum of Art hosted an opening reception for Slavery, The Prison Industrial Complex: Photographs by Keith Calhoun and Chandra McCormick, a new exhibit co-presented by the BMA and OSI-Baltimore. Joe Jones, Vice Chair of OSI-Baltimore’s Advisory Board, spoke on behalf of OSI, thanking the artists for bringing their work to Baltimore and to the BMA and Ellen and Ed Bernard, who is on the Board of both OSI and the BMA, for proposing the collaboration in memory of Sue Cohen, a passionate advocate for justice and strong supporter of both institutions.
The next day, the BMA opened BMA Lexington Market, a 250-square-foot space that will host a variety of art programs and collaborative activities. The opening reception showcased photography created by youth at the Greenmount West Community Center who worked with Calhoun and McCormick, the photographers whose work is on display at the BMS.