From his website, Hasan Elahi’s exact location, as of Tuesday, May 3, 2016.
In 2002, artist Hasan Elahi was detained at a Detroit airport after an erroneous tip linked him to terrorist activities, which led to a six-month FBI investigation. As a response, Elahi, an Open Society Foundations Moving Walls photographer, documented his daily life through thousands of images and data and send these images to the FBI. The result, “Datamine,” will be on view at the C. Grimaldis Gallery in Baltimore from May 19 through June 25.
Elahi, an associate professor of art at the University of Maryland, has captured the mundane images that represent his day, from a plate of takeout to a trashcan on a side street to the bed he slept in the night before, on his site Tracking Transience. Visitors can also see his exact location.
“Datamine” opening reception is May 19, 2016 from 6-8pm.